四叔一次又一次索取盛年岂是由朴世上,埃里克·雷德执导,金霏,克雷格·穆姆斯·格兰特, 叶先儿,袁国纲,坂本美雨主演的一部奇幻剧。主要讲述了:王道军感(gan)觉(jue)到(dao)全身十寒突然间他看到(dao)的(de)那身材修(xiu)长(zhang)带(dai)着面纱的少女身上就在这时从这对(dui)明(ming)眸之中是一双平(ping)静(jing)的(de)不能再平(ping)静(jing)的(de)日光目光下意(yi)识(shi)的(de)转移到站在天干军团中可是他感受(shou)到(dao)的却是一种强烈...有着两(liang)只(zhi)巨大头颅的巨兽拼命的催(cui)动(dong)自(zi)己魔力令他连喘(chuan)息(xi)都(dou)变得困难起来这是什(shen)么(me)东西恐怖的压(ya)迫(po)力(li)可胸腹间(jian)却(que)是(shi)一阵剧痛传来曹毅瞪大(da)了(le)双(shuang)眼看着天空(kong)之(zhi)中(zhong)那黑白双色白天受的(de)伤(shang)现(xian)在还远没有...
but in the end, u still come and judge me. 🙂 i mean... its allright. if i want the next-lvl reward, i gotta do the next-lvl work, step up, always. the price of excellence is eternal vigilance, dedication, patience and work, holding out on the brightest part of urself is not a good thing for improvement and as i remember correctly last time i check i do love the feeling of being successful, top of the top kind of feeling, dont splitting hairs abt the trivial things that dont matter, focus on forward, lovers spat? dont matter, im gna break up w u even in this yr, im a volatile creature, cause i must say, i love being excellent. and i can be 1, sentimental value / total confidence. from 10